Tuesday, June 28, 2016

[NATURE + EXPLORE] Forest Beaches

I love summer! I love the long days, sleeping in, fresh veggies from the garden and endless possibilities. What I don't love at all is the heat...I know, I know, boo, hiss, what is wrong with you, you're thinking. Perhaps it's my rather well insulated physique that stops me from enjoying those golden rays of blistering death or maybe I'm just more of a spring/fall gal. Either way, I always find it a bit of a challenge to find things to do with the kiddos that does not involve mountains of sunscreen and sweaty sun hats.

Lucky for us, we live in a lush rainforest that always has plenty of shade and dappled sun to keep us me happy and endless exploration ideas. One of our FAVOURITES is spending the day at a Forest Beach. There's cool water, 'tide pools', rocks to turn over and plenty of critters to put in our buckets.

Yesterday's adventure involved the girlie and me packing up our Adventure Pack and walking to our local creek for an afternoon of fun. The temperature was perfect, the forest smelled amazing, and the sounds from the neighbouring farm kept us amused. We packed a delicious lunch, brought a bucket and net and settled in for hours of play.

We found lots of beautiful baby trout, caddisfly larvae, some disgusting grubs and a clutch of mystery eggs on the side of a rock in the water which we later discovered are fresh water snail eggs!

So if you are anything like me and want to have a shady day play, we would love to have you!


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